Sabres Injury Update

The Buffalo Sabres were practicing on this Tuesday afternoon. This practice gave us a look at the injured players and injured head coach.

First off, Lindy Ruff suffered three broken ribs yesterday during practice. He was not at practice this morning but is expected to be coaching tomorrow night vs. Boston. According to Darcy Regier, if Ruff cannot coach on Wednesday, assistant coach James Patrick will coach the team and Teppo Numminen would move to the bench. It is also a possibility that Ruff could coach from the press box.

It’s good to see that even though he was injured, Lindy did not lose his sense of humor.

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Thomas Vanek skated by himself this afternoon. He will not return versus Boston but he could play this weekend.

Colin Stuart returned to practice this morning as well. He will most likely not return with the Sabres but since he was hurt with the team, he will most likely rehab his knee injury in Buffalo before returning to Rochester and the AHL.

There were no updates on Jochen Hecht or TJ Brennan but they both are still suffering from their respective concussions.

Ryan Wolfe
Ryan Wolfe
Administrator/Writer at Sabres Hockey Central.
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