Report: Lindy Ruff to be Devils HC

A Tweet from Kevin Weekes was posted Wednesday evening indicating that the New Jersey Devils are going to be hiring Lindy Ruff as their head coach.

There have been a lot of New York Rangers fans commenting on how they didn’t enjoy him there as an assistant coach, but not he gets another chance at the head coaching position.

It’s a little surprising that the Devils chose Ruff over some other very experienced coaches out there, such as Peter Laviolette.

Ruff had interviewed for the Sabres head coaching position before they ultimately decided to go with Ralph Krueger. Ruff has made it known that he’s been very interested in a coaching position in Buffalo, and in the NHL, overall.

If Ruff’s tenure in New Jersey doesn’t go well, it could be his last chance. It’s not often coaches are recycled more than three times.

As a Sabres fan, I’m happy to hear this news. Since Ruff was fired by the Sabres in 2013, the team hasn’t made the playoffs, but maybe that’s more on the organization than anything.

Kevin Freiheit
Kevin Freiheit
I founded Buffalo Hockey Central in 2008 and have poured hours and hours into this site. Luckily, we have a great team of writers and designers who have helped keep this up and running despite a ton of out-of-pocket costs. We do this because we enjoy it, and we're desperate to see the Sabres win the Cup someday, but they have to make the playoffs first.
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